Stewed Potatoes

Main/Side Dishes


Ingredient Amount
2 Baker Potaotes (large)
19 oz / 540 ml 1 can Alymers Accent Tomatoes
1/2 tsp / 2.5 ml Butter
1 tsp / 5 ml Olive Oil
Pinch Sea Salt
to taste Pepper


Preheat oven to 375 degrees 1) Wash and dry potatoes. 2) Coat potatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper, cook until tender, about 1 hour. 3) Bring to heat the Aylmer's Tomatoes.(these canned tomatoes come in a variety of flavours, choose one you like) 4) When potatoes are tender let cool a few minutes then cut top off potatoes in a capital I shape and push together at both ends. 5) Add your butter than top with your Aylmer's tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.
This potato recipe is brought to you courtesy of Bernie Quigley.
