PEI Acadian Rapure

Main/Side Dishes


Ingredient Amount
1 10lb Bag Russet Potatoes
1 Roast Pork (4-5lbs)
2 cups / 500ml Mashed Potatoes
2 Onions large chopped- 1 fried 1 raw
2 Eggs
1tbsp / 15ml Baking Powder


Directions Roast pork in oven until fully cooked. Cool and dice into small pieces. Add large chopped onion and sauté together to slightly brown pork. Drain and set aside. Peel and cook about 3 medium potatoes and mash (or use leftover mashed potatoes). In a large roaster pot grate the peeled potatoes. Take grated potatoes and put in cheese cloth to squeeze out starch juice, also rinse to help get the starch out. (A pillow case also works well). Mix together grated potatoes, mashed potatoes, meat mixture and 1 large chopped uncooked onion. Add generous sprinkles of salt and pepper. Add 2 eggs and 1 tbsp of baking powder. Blend really well. Grease a large oblong cake pan (about 13 x 7) and press mixture into pan. Bake for about 2 hours at 350.
This potato recipe is brought to you courtesy of Marion Pineau, PE.
