Grated Hashbrown Pancakes

Main/Side Dishes


Ingredient Amount
/ 4 4 med. W.P. Griffin potatoes
to taste Mrs. Dash (any flavor)
generous shake Onion Powder


Grate potatoes. Soak in cold salt water for about 15 minutes. Place in cheese cloth (or thin tea towel). Gather the four corners and squeeze to drain all liquid. The shredded potatoes need to be very dry. Put all ingredients in a bowl. (use your judgement on amounts of Mrs. Dash and onion powder!) Mix them well, then shape into potato patties. Size is up to you, but not too thick as it will be harder to cook the middle evenly without burning the edges. Fry in a small amount of oil until well browned. Enjoy!
This potato recipe is brought to you courtesy of Cindy Vickers.
